Solo - A Bike Ride Story
People living with epilepsy need a team around them. Doctors and loved ones who will advocate for betterment of their lives and help them help themselves. The best part of Anne’s team were my parents. Their patience was sometimes tested but they never stopped caring for Anne. Anne had her moments of dispair but never threw in the towel. She knew her life would be tougher without those around her. Even in her worst moments, she knew we all wanted the best for her. But it can be frustrating to not feel completely in control of your own life.

I kept riding hard as my long sought after goal for this 26+ mile ride of sub 1.5 hours was in sight!

This is why we ride and are raising money; to help bolster the team around those who deal with epilepsy.
Today, my team, Lisa, is elsewhere so I had to go solo on my morning ride.
Our neighbor, Fran, was outside when I was leaving. She told me there was rain headed this way. A quick check of the radar showed a tiny blob to the West.
Nothing to do but ride South fast and hope to scoot around it. Riding fast alone is tougher. But I pushed on. I picked up a few sprinkles about 2 miles from home. Go faster.
About 8 miles in, I noticed my pace. I was really moving.
Go for ALL!
At 12 miles in, I had ridden around the blob.
I kept riding hard as my long sought after goal for this 26+ mile ride of sub 1.5 hours was in sight!
I was riding well over 18 miles an hour for the last 8 miles. Part of my return route was wet from the rain I missed.
At last, I rolled back up to the house and hit the stop button on my computer.
But boy would it have been easier if my team was here.
As always, please consider giving whatever you can by clicking the link in the upper left of this page. Someone else’s team will benefit.
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