
Showing posts from June, 2018

Watch Us Work Now

Lisa and needed to beat the coming heat if we were going to ride today. The temperatures in Columbus are supposed to be in the 90s this afternoon. So, we did what we do which is leave by about 630am. The shadows are long at that time of the morning. And we got to see the moon still hanging out. (It’s in that picture. I swear.) We opted to use a good bit of the rail trail today to get our seat time in. Trails are good because they are mostly flat and you can really zone out. But they always do this to my legs. We put in 52 miles as we rolled back up to the house. The Sun is really starting to do its thing out there as you can see by the green line that shows the temperatures rising during our ride. We’re just two weeks away from starting our series of rides. Donations crossed the 50% mark this week! If you haven’t yet donated, maybe today will be the day you click the link in the upper left hand corner and pitch in to our efforts. Happy Saturday!

MSU Gran Fondo 6/23/18

Lisa and I participated in the MSU Gran Fondo today. This ride supports skin cancer research(Skin cancer has also touched my family.) We rode 80 miles from downtown Grand Rapids, MI to the beach just North of Grand Haven and back. At the end we, of course, Raised One For Anne.  It’s always nice to ride some good roads and taken in the scenery of our home state. Even if it rained pretty hard from about mile 25 to mile 35. Here’s some pictures to help tell the story. Our team: Lisa, Jennifer, Jeff, Kelly, and some ugly dude. A picture of us at the beach. A better picture. What we do! Taking a picture on this bridge seems to be what you do in GR if my Facebook feed is accurate. Bike jerseys >>> Prom Attire

I Want To Give But I Prefer To Give With A Check

Well, let me help you out with that. I provided a link on the left but you can also download a form  click here . Simply fill out the form and mail it in with your donation. Event Name: Raise One For Anne In Support Of: Sean Harmon Print out a few extra and hand them out at parties. 😀


Committed: As in “We are” or “We should be”?  We have some things to do today. In order to squeeze 40 miles in, we had one option: Dawn Patrol. That means getting up at 530, eating a bit of breakfast, and getting on the road by 630. Do we look happy to see the Sun? The ride was good. The temperatures were comfortable. Passing in and out of the early morning fog is always interesting. Now Lisa is off on her first errand  of the day.  Me? I’m about to eat second breakfast: eggs, rice, and red lentils. In two weeks, we’ll be in Grand Rapids riding 80 miles to raise money for skin cancer research being done by Michigan State University. That ride will help us extend our training as we #AIMFORZERO Happy Saturday!