We know where we're going! No, we will not be crossing the Atlantic Ocean but we will be visiting our old "friend", The White Pine Trail on JUNE 12th to ride from Rockford to Paris, MI and back. On the northern most point of the ride we will stop to visit a 20 foot tall replica of The Eiffel Tower in Paris Park . I can't wait to have my picture taken next to this monument to making use of idle hands. The total route is 105 miles (click that to see a map) from the staging area in Belmont(That's not technically Rockford, I know but I have reasons. Number one being the staging area has actual bathrooms.) to Paris and back. For those unfamiliar with the trail, the section between Sand Lake and Big Rapids is unpaved/gravel. It's not the roughest track I've ridden but it's certainly not smooth tarmac. Other than that and the distance the route is pretty nice. With only 2200 feet of climbing over the 105 miles, the journey will be flat by any cycling sta...